Revolutionising Landscapes

At TreeSource, we don’t just plant trees.   

We are influencing a revolution in landscape management, with regeneration at its heart. We work with trees and their surroundings using a wilder approach driven by natural processes.   

We plant woodland nurseries, incorporating transplanted trees that would otherwise be felled, and plant saplings alongside to establish strong communities of trees that are resilient to climatic pressures, pests and disease. 

Our landscape solutions include:

  • Landscape regeneration and rewilding

  • Soil ecology and remediation

  • Treescape design and consultancy

  • Multi-strata planting and design

  • Woodland Nurseries

Our three-stage process supports your vision for your land from concept to completion, and beyond.

Strategy & design


We assess your landscape resources to best understand the potential of your wilding vision. Soil health and diversity form the basis of our assessments. Our proposed action plan will achieve the most appropriate regeneration of the site and fulfil your landscape objectives.    

As part of our strategy and design, we understand that to meet the environmental challenges that are presently confronting society, a shift in the narrow focus on global carbon offsetting needs to be altered. This entails executing an approach that places equal value and importance on the creation of crucial ecosystem services. 


Tree sourcing and production


Our choices of trees for your land are based on our extensive experience with trees and soil. By selecting a variety of ages and species, our trees form a diverse community and a resilient treescape that suit the local environment and ecology.  

Our woodland nursery protects trees and fulfil a wide range of functions including providing food, seed, fibre and medicinal production. These can be planted out to other locations on your land, sold or used for a number of other planting objectives.   


Planting and transplanting


We select and transplant semi-mature trees with established soil biology and fungal associations. These trees then help to speed up the growth of other, new crucial fungal associations with nearby, densely planted younger trees.  We recognise the living value of these trees and their potential to help younger trees to flourish with greater resilience.   

This planting design forms woodland nurseries from which the developing trees can be transplanted to other areas on-site, or sold, realising financial benefits through reduced tree spend or sales income. Your nurseries can then be restocked with saplings grown from seed or allowed to evolve to mature, healthy and diverse woodland. 

Did you know

A healthy soil is teaming with life…A single teaspoon (1 gram) of rich garden soil can hold up to one billion bacteria, several yards of fungal filaments, several thousand protozoa, and scores of nematodes.

The vital importance of soil in our work

Soil is a vital natural resource, and environmental sciences have shown that soil is the foundation of any basic ecosystem function. 

We believe that a tree’s health and longevity are best understood by studying the soil and environment in which it grows. Mycorrhiza; the fungal network in the soil, acts as a key component in a tree’s ability to communicate, uptake minerals, nutrients and water and protect itself from fungal pathogens.

TreeSource follows regenerative soil management practices with all our planting projects. We can sustain and enhance this crucial natural resource by:  

·      Soil biology testing  

·      Soil remediation through brewing compost teas 

·      Remedial soil dressing 

·      Aeration and decompaction 

These methods introduce crucial biology back into the available rooting environment, ready for the arrival of new trees.

Did you know

Trees are the longest living organisms on earth, and never die of old age. A lime tree coppice stool in Westonbirt arboretum in the UK is recorded to be 10,000 years old.